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Kickboxing Rugby

Brand New! Want To Know The Best Kept Secret For Shedding Excess Fat, Toning
Muscles And Getting The Body You Want Without Hours and Hours At The Gym?


Fitness Kickboxing Rugby

A Fitter, More Healthy You, is Just Waiting to Burst Free!

Are You Ready To Get In Amazing Shape?



 Fitness Information


Exercise Calories Burned
KBX Fit Kickboxing 840
Cycling 12 to 13 mph, moderate 654
Rowing Machine, moderate 572
Running 5 mph 654
Tennis 624


 *Based On Exercising For An Hour With An Example Body Weight Of 12 st 7 lb


Here’s What Some Of Our Members Have To Say

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KBX Fit Combines 4 Training Methods In It’s Fitness Formula
Muay Thai, also called Thai Kickboxing or Thai Boxing is a form of sport combat originating in Thailand. Muay Thai allows punches, kicks, elbow and knee strikes to all areas of the body.
Sanda (Chinese Kickboxing), initially developed by the Chinese military based on Kung Fu and modern combat fighting techniques. Its freestyle approach means punches and kicks are allowed to any area of the body (excluding groin).
Kickboxing, originating from Freestyle Contact Karate. This Martial Art was originally performed as a style of karate that allowed contact during competitions and sparring. Since then it has developed and added more kicks, strikes and also punches similar to boxing.
Jiu Jitsu began as far back as the start of the 17th century. One of the key concepts is the ability to defend against a bigger or stronger attacker by using the assailant’s size and strength against them. The style involves grappling, restraining and throws. It is incredible for developing core strength and toning.


tanita-bc543-body-composition-monitor-scale_large You Will LOVE Our KBX Fit Program

We Are Confident You Will Agree That KBX Fit….

Is More Fun Than Any Other Exercise Or Activity 

Gives Faster Results Than Doing Virtually Anything Else

Is The Best Way To Get In Great Shape… FAST

girl loss weight





There Is So Much To Look Forward To When You Start Training

kickboxingrugby-arrow Your Muscles will be Toned, Leaner and Longer.
kickboxingrugby-arrow Fat Loss. You will start shedding your excess fat, fast.
kickboxingrugby-arrow Improved Confidence. You will start feeling better, as well as looking better.
kickboxingrugby-arrow Stress Relief. Helping you stay relaxed and calm
kickboxingrugby-arrow Lots of Fun. All of our members love attending sessions.


Kickboxing Rugby Lesson Times

Monday 7:15pm

Friday 7:15pm



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How To Get Started… It’s Easy

1. To get started, simply fill out the enquire now box on the right (mobile users at bottom of the page)
2. We’ll give you a call and arrange your free taster lesson (at a time that suits you), so you can see how great our lessons are first hand
3. Or If You Would Like to Arrange a Taster Lesson Right Now then Just Call us on 0800 6899 345